The system enables you to open doors using biometric facial recognition devices, eliminating the need to deal with keys. It provides a smart security solution for unauthorized individuals approaching your door. You can manage your door remotely using your own mobile application.
When someone rings your doorbell, you instantly receive a notification through your mobile application. You can view the person and communicate with them. If you trust the incoming person, you can remotely unlock the door.
One of the system’s key features is the ability to grant entry permissions for a specific period. This allows you to admit guests for a certain time and automatically revoke their permissions afterward, providing an additional layer of security. If you’re forgetful or tend to forget to close your door, the system has you covered. The door automatically locks 15 seconds after leaving home.
The Smart Door Management System also offers the option to use a key in external situations, ensuring your safety at all times.
It’s time to step into the future and add comfort and security to your life! Meet the Smart Door Management System.